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Our residents share some of the reasons they love living at Hesperus Village.


“I chose to live at Hesperus because its foundation is based on respect for nature and respect for the human being. The principles on which Hesperus was founded recognize that human beings have souls and that our souls need nourishment. The beauty everywhere at Hesperus, inside and outside in the nature that surrounds us, is nourishing.” 

Eleonora, resident

“I find it energizing and joyous to work together with my colleagues to create in Hesperus a beautiful home and community for all of us.”  

Ute, resident volunteer

"At Hesperus I feel like we are trying to make alternative lifestyles possible….to honour everyone’s individual path of aging…but also communally to help each other when people are in need. It is heartening to see how we give our best to support when a neighbour is in need.”

Regine, resident

"For me living at Hesperus has been a God-send. The first day I moved in I felt at home. I came to Hesperus through CMHA and sometimes there is a stigma attached to mental health issues. I felt a sense of belonging right away even though I was not part of the Waldorf or anthroposophic communities. Hesperus is a very welcoming inclusive community.”

Jon, resident

"An 'intergenerational community' is a strong force for joy. Although the tendency nowadays is to create only senior residences, I feel blessed that our Hesperus Village embraces lovingly children as well. We are able to welcome relatives and friends to our events and meaningful activities. That is how my three grand daughters (5, 8 and 10), feel part of our community, happily participating in every possible event.”

Susana, resident

“Volunteering at Hesperus gives structure, meaning and a sense of accomplishment to my days. It helped me feel part of the community after moving here from Kitchener.” 

Marianne, resident

“I feel so fortunate to live here because Hesperus cares about people.”

Rose, resident

“I cannot begin to express my gratitude that my mother, with her very limited financial resources, lives a life that is so rich in beauty and meaning for the last 22 years of her (so far) 86 years. She speaks continuously of her appreciation for the miracle of her situation and for what she loves and appreciates so deeply about Hesperus. Thank you to all who support this remarkable and beautiful place.” 

Elyse, daughter of resident

“Living at Hesperus: It’s amazing how opening the door and stepping into the hallway for a little break can change your life! You meet all sorts of people, exchange a few words—and “like magic” you have new appreciation for humanity! The variety of life experience, life lessons in joys and sorrows, different languages and ethnic backgrounds create an appreciation of how precious life is, how unique we all are. Interest opens our hearts to difference and learning. There are meaningful workshops in artistic activities and special interests. Not for the sake of “being entertained,” but to dare something new, and in daring to begin to sense new potential. And within the exploration of potential, of new ideas and ways of expressing, we sense this is preparation for new life, not end of life!"

Susan, resident

“I am incredibly grateful I am living here. With all our differences, we are creating a community out of our life experiences, out of our humanity.”

Elisabeth, resident

“I chose this community because the Hesperus philosophy engenders respect for the individuality of every member and provides a living experience that allows one to pursue a broad range of interests while feeling relevant and engaged. Whether working in the garden, singing in the choir, or conversing over lunch, Hesperus allows me to participate fully in my day-to-day life and to feel truly alive.” 

Inga, resident

“I chose this community because the Hesperus philosophy engenders respect for the individuality of every member and provides a living experience that allows one to pursue a broad range of interests while feeling relevant and engaged. Whether working in the garden, singing in the choir, or conversing over lunch, Hesperus allows me to participate fully in my day-to-day life and to feel truly alive.” 

Inga, resident


To learn more about living at Hesperus Village, contact us.

Explore Life at Hesperus

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