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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What makes Hesperus Village different from other communities for seniors?
    Western society can struggle to recognize peoples’ value as they age, and few models exist for living the later decades of life to their full potential. Hesperus Village strives to address this gap and serve as a transformative example of how older people can flourish and grow in a community-based environment. Our values and our way of working are founded in anthroposophy and supported by tools of sociocracy. We see elderhood as a stage of continued development and growth. We encourage our residents to volunteer and participate in activities that support community life and their own personal goals. We support our residents in finding connections to services that will help them maintain their independence as long as safely possible. We achieve our goals by offering affordable and subsidized rental units for low to moderate income seniors, by partnering with organizations to help provide access to care and services within Hesperus and outside Hesperus, and by working very hard to build community ----- with the resident at the center.
  • Who would most enjoy living at Hesperus Village?
    Hesperus Village is best suited to people who value community and wish to contribute to communal life, who are drawn to a spiritual and contemplative life, who enjoy natural surroundings and gardening, and who support and enjoy a variety of cultural and artistic endeavours.
  • What is anthroposophy?
    Anthroposophy is a spiritual philosophy and lens for learning and growth throughout one’s life that has inspired many organizations, including Hesperus Village, Waldorf schools and Camphill communities. Anthroposophy is a core element of Hesperus Village’s approach to community, aging and more. Many residents connect deeply with the anthroposophical approach, but others do not. Residents are not required to adopt an anthroposophical philosophy in order to live at Hesperus Village.
  • Is Hesperus Village affiliated with a specific religion, culture or ethnicity?
    No, Hesperus is not affiliated with any specific religion, culture or ethnicity.
  • How are residents’ health care needs addressed at Hesperus Village?
    Hesperus Village is not a retirement home or long-term care facility, and care services are not provided directly by Hesperus. Hesperus Village is an independent living facility, and care services are not part of the rental agreement. Private practitioners rent offices within our building and residents may engage their services directly. Eligible residents may also receive assisted living services through Hesperus Village’s partnership with North York Seniors Centre. Referrals for services provided by North York Seniors Centre are made through Ontario Home and Community Care Support Services and are not managed by Hesperus Village. Hesperus Village is not a retirement home or long-term care facility.
  • How do I apply to live at Hesperus Village?
    Please complete this form to apply to live at Hesperus Village. If you are interested in applying for subsidized housing, please review the financial support section below.
  • What types of units are available?
    Both Hesperus East and Hesperus West both offer a mix of affordable market rents and subsidized units. There are a mix of bachelors, one and two bedroom units in the two buildings. There are slightly different amenities in each building as well. Read more about living at Hesperus Village here.
  • How much rent will I pay?
    Rent amounts vary depending on the size of apartment you occupy, and whether you are eligible for a subsidy or not. You can find our current market rents here.
  • Are there any age restrictions for residency?
    To live at Hesperus Village, at least one person in the household must be 61 or older. There is no upper age limit for residents.
  • Is there a wait list for residency, and how long is the typical wait time?
    The amount of time before a unit comes available can vary depending on the needs of the prospective resident, the type of unit required and household suitability. The subsidized units have a much longer wait list than the market units. It is difficult to say when a unit will become available, so we recommend submitting an application several years in advance.
  • Is there financial support available?
    Half of the units at Hesperus Village are offered on a rent-geared-to-income basis or rent-assistance basis. Residents requesting a subsidized unit for Hesperus West must apply through York Region. A small number of subsidized units in Hesperus East are available through Hesperus directly and are for residents who require assistance with daily living. A financial evaluation of eligibility and an assessment of care needs is required. Anyone living in a subsidized unit is re-evaluated for eligibility yearly. The rules regarding how subsidies are calculated and allocated are dictated by provincial legislation.

To learn more about living at Hesperus Village, contact us.

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